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We have the ability to offer your organisation the most comprehensive range of OD (Organisational Development) services, all specifically designed to take you and your organisation further.

Change Management Process

Change Management Process


A change management process is a sequence of steps or activities that our specially trained team uses to guide organisations through periods of transition, restructuring and change. We apply specific processes that are tailored according to your organisations specific situation in order to drive individual transitions and ensure the project meets its intended outcomes.


  • Supports a smooth transition from the old to the new, whilst maintaining and improving productivity and employee morale, and ensuring that the day-to-day running of business is not negatively affected.
  • Provides support to staff and management when concerns arise regarding changes.
  • Manages perceptions of change and minimises associated resistance and risk (including staff loss risk).
  • Provides a way to anticipate challenges associated with change and respond to them appropriately and efficiently.
  • Helps to contain costs associated with the change and increases return on investment (ROI).
  • Aligns existing resources within the organisation, as well as the vision and goals of employees with those of the organisation.

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching


Executive coaching is a professional relationship between you (individual or group) and a trained MOTTO coach with the express goal of enhancing your leadership or management performance and development.


  • Promotes self-awareness, which is necessary for any growth to occur.
  • Assists in developing self-management tools (such as realistic goal setting and time management skills) and putting systems in place to increase efficiency and to improve self-regulation and discipline.
  • Enhances critical leadership skills requiring emotional intelligence, such as empathic listening, assertiveness, creativity, problem solving and stress management.
  • Provides the necessary motivation and sense of direction in order for individuals to successfully reach their goals.

Mentoring Processes

Mentoring Processes


Our specialised consultants facilitate mentorship processes, which involve connecting senior members within an organisation to less experienced employees, in order for the former to transfer their existing knowledge, skills and experience to the latter as part of their development and career growth.


  • Enhances an organisations ability to promote from within and develop future leaders.
  • Creates a well-rounded and skilled workforce.
  • Promotes cross-organisational knowledge-sharing, broadens employee perspective and provides exposure to new ideas.
  • Improves productivity.
  • Provides mentees with a safe space to learn, ask for advice, and discuss ideas with a more experienced member of an organisation who can provide appropriate guidance.
  • Affords mentors the opportunity to improve their facilitation and leadership skills.
  • Promotes an open and inviting culture.

Personal Development Planning

Personal Development Planning


The primary purpose of personal development planning is to help employees reach short and long-term career goals, as well as improve current job performance. A PDP is not a performance evaluation tool or a one-time activity, but could take the form of a facilitated discussion between an employee and their superior and include an evaluation of key responsibility areas, as well as identifying areas for development.


  • Establishes aims and objectives (or goals) – what an employee wants to achieve or where they want to go, in the short, medium or long-term in their career.
  • Assesses current realities.
  • Identifies needs for skills, knowledge or competence.
  • Assists in selecting appropriate development activities to meet those perceived needs.
  • Provides a sense of direction for an employee in terms of what to prioritise for career growth.

Leadership & Organisational Development Workshop

Leadership and Organisational Development Workshop


We believe that an integrated approach is the most effective way to develop the leadership and vision needed to take your organization to the next level. We will help in clarifying the leadership role you play, and also develop the leadership skills and personal qualities inside of you. This means you’ll gain insight into your unique situation and learn how to design strategies which positively impact the effectiveness of your organization and the careers and lives of all who work there.

We kick off development processes through engaging an organisation’s employees and leadership in a survey process, followed by feedback on the survey results.

We offer more than 45 different types of workshop content and themes for leadership and interpersonal skills development that can form part of an OD process. Examples of themes include assertiveness, leading through influence, conflict management, creative problem solving, resilience, inclusivity etc.


  • Workshop content is tailored according to the organisation’s specific needs, as identified through our validated measurement tools. This ensures that the areas that are being addressed are relevant and impactful.
  • Promotes employee engagement, which directly impacts productivity levels.
  • Improves critical emotional intelligence skills of employees.
  • Promotes better working relationships and increases collaboration and communication across an organisation.
  • Increases employee participation in learning opportunities and builds confidence to contribute.
  • Creates buy-in and aligns the goals of employees and teams with those of the larger organisation.
  • Empowers organisations and their employees to independently drive positive change from within.

We at Motto provide a range of additional services to supplement our surveys.

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