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Mariheca’s book, En Route, is now available to be purchase on Takealot!

Blogs by Dr. Mariheca Otto

Since the 1960s research has shown the critical impact of non-verbal communication. Anything from as little as 7% to 20% is the word impact, the rest of the message received depends on your voice, tone, facial expression, and overall body language. That is a very...

Toltec teacher Don Miguel Ruiz says it much better in his lovely The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. The first agreement is to “Be impeccable with your word.” The principle is that words have the power to create, but can also cause suffering and...

[playlist type="video" ids="6564"] Remember the movie Miss Congeniality with Sandra Bullock? What were the beauty pageant contestants’ standard cliched answer to the question: “What matters the most to you?” – World peace. But of course! As much as we mock this and think it is funny, ironically...

What is integrity? Why is ‘integrity’ a key behaviour driving value for so many organisations? Why do we flip when our kids show any sign of integrity-less behaviour? I think it is simple: Life is complex, and humans and the humanities are not an exact science....

One of the universal struggles for humans is to dislike or resist change, we literally start this at birth – screaming our hearts out when we have to accept the new way of what is. In other words non-acceptance, not allowing what is. In doing this...

Like with most creative birthing processes, with a little push I committed myself to write something to share via social media about one of the elements we measure with our Motto Leadership 360° Assessment tool. As you probably know by now, we ended up using...

Most leaders now know that creating an emotionally safe environment is just as important as a physically safe space. Unfortunately, we only have strict SHEQ rules and officers to enforce, and no ES (Emotional Safety) ones in place yet, but we will get there...

As a leader, can you feel what others feel? Do you have empathy? When I was curious about ‘forgiveness’ I watched a TED Talk (of course… addict that I am) by Sammy Rangel. He tells his life story, and it is hectic. In his story, his...

When I had my hectic burnout experience years ago, I honestly thought: “Okay, you’ve got this, just do what the doctor tells you, and you will be back in the game, quick-quick. No probs!” Wrong! When I asked the specialist how long this situation is going to...